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Einstein used the mathematical apparatus of four-dimensional space which was developed by N.Lobachevsky, J.Bojai, K.Gaus, G.Riman. It is possible to imagine curvature of space three-dimensional in four-dimensional space. Taking time co-ordinate also it is artificial having attached it to three co-ordinates of space, he has started to consider four-dimensional space-time as uniform essence. It has allowed him to speak about curvature of our space in a direction of time co-ordinate. Level of abstract thinking of that time promoted substitution of the fourth geometrical measurement on time co-ordinate. The four-dimensional space-time was included into a life. Though such substitution essentially was not reflected in a phenomenon essence, theoretically quite possible multidimensional geometrical structure of space has been for a long time unfairly forgotten. It lowered level of understanding of the theory and, naturally, influenced rates of its formation and development. Nobody considers time, as a part of structure of the space, as the fourth geometrical direction along which the infinity of spaces similar to ours is located. Presence of fourth «perpendicular», a hypothetical fourth direction, equivalent in relation to three known co-ordinates, means extent of space in this direction, that is simultaneous existence of the past, the present and the future. In that case time can be considered as the movement of our centres of consciousness in this direction that creates variability illusion, movement illusion, life illusion. All is geometry plus consciousness movement! All is time!!!
According to Einstein's theory, gravitation is only curvature of space, and as a matter of fact the gravitation phenomenon is the display of the curvature.
To bend a line, means, to deform it in a direction of the second measurement. It is possible to bend a plane in a direction of the third measurement. Similarly, to bend volume, it is necessary to deform it in a direction of geometrical fourth measurement of space, it means, to compress or expand it, but it is not so much within our space, how many having displaced it in a subspace!
First of all curvature of our space, is its certain existential scale, that is certain size of the linear size, certain rate of time and certain size of weight (energy). Here in what an essence of curvature of space.
Probably universe expansion is the same illusion, as well as movement of the Sun round the Earth. Radio galaxies observed by us shone and shine in a visible range but when they radiated light which we observe today, curvature of space was more, waves of a visible range are longer. For this reason today we perceive them as a radio-wave, instead of because they move from us with a great speed. So-called red displacement proves only that curvature of our space decreases. The distance between stars does not increase, the Universe does not extend! Electromagnetic waves are simply shortened at the expense of reduction of curvature of our world. Means, the metre standard will decrease, the standard of second will be truncated and the light year will be shorter, though the quantity of kilometres in it remains former. Today the Universe reduces the curvature and very soon our space will be Euclid, s, it means not bent in great volume becomes fast. Then by inertia it is a condition will be passed and our space will start to bend in other party, its curvature will increase, there will be an illusion of compression of the Universe, but then curvature of our world will decrease again and so endlessly. The Universe pulses about Euclid, s condition (not bends), fluctuates as a surface of a drum about an equilibrium state. This «fluctuation» occurs in a direction of the fourth geometrical measurement of space, in a time direction. Change of curvature of space is a material essence of time! Such explanation of the reason of red displacement brings more clearness and understanding in the process of knowledge, all absurdity which connected with the destructions of our world disappear.
The weight bends space, it means the space near to massive bodies is condensed, forming waves of curvature, and wrinkles in a direction of the fourth geometrical measurement. The planet of our solar system move by inertia in four-dimensional hollows round the Sun.
Such movement is equivalent to a rest condition. Expenses of energy for such movement it is not required. There is a shift, displacement of our space in the area of the next subspace. And on the contrary, the areas of another's space can be interspersed in our space, it means we can meet areas with other rate of time and even area with antitime where time moves back.
K.Gaus and N.Lobachevsky tried to prove the curvature of our space, but their attempts basically have been doomed on not good luck. It is impossible to measure the curvature of three-dimensional space using the receptions of the two-dimensional. Hypothetical inhabitants of the bent two-dimensional space, a sphere surface, can construct triangles in their space and measure the sum of their corners. If it appears more than 180 degrees, they will have the right to assert that their space is bent in a direction unknown by it of the third measurement. But not we! We should build not triangles, and bodies! And to prove discrepancy of their parametres. Because two-dimensional can not fix the curvature of a straight line of the space!
Without any doubt, it is possible to assert that the space is bent, having fixed time curvature, that is acceleration or delay of those or other processes, for example, growth rates of plants, say, on the Moon.
If we establish the synchronised atomic clock on a pole and on equator, on the Moon and on the Earth, in an orbit and in mine distinction of their «course» will prove presence of areas of various curvature of space on the Earth and in its vicinity. Curvature influences through the factor of time, the size and weight such physical parametres as density and acceleration. Through density and acceleration the metrics of the four-dimensional world is defined. Sometime «the world» equations will be writen and they will reliably connect together these parametres and curvature of space-time. Therefore important not only whence we will start the spaceships, but also when!
It is experimentally established that the hours which are highly over the Earth, go faster, than hours on a surface of the Earth. But by this fact pass by. Still consider that our space is not bent and the only thing in the nature. Thus assert that time is the attribute of space that space-time is uniform essence. How so?! Curvature of time automatically should prove curvature of space!!! And in another way cannot be.
Each body (the star, a planet, a particle) creates round itself a gravitational field of certain intensity, that is time field, a field of the size and a weight, s field. Properties of space, its curvature, are various in its different areas! The more curvature, the more considerably the substance density, fixed acceleration, concentration of weight (energy) in space-time unit.
Between space-time and substance there is an energy redistribution at change of its curvature. We will learn to scoop energy from space-time!!!.
The general theory of a relativity (GTR) and the special theory of a relativity (STR), created by Einstein, are directly connected with curvature of the space which concept accurately and unequivocally is not defined till now. Space curvature explains the phenomenon of gravitational interaction of bodies. But why is GTR called as the relativity, s theory?! What das it change and concerning what?! Einstein has held back it!
Today in increasing frequency speak about time relativity inGTR, (change of its rate depending on height over a surface of the Earth), some dream about a relativity of the size, but anybody did not speak about a weight relativity in GTR. All these parametres communicate in the uniform harmonious whole with change of weight of substance depending on intensity of a gravitational field.
It is logical to assume that not only in STR, but also in GTR time, the size and weight are relative, that is the huge weight even in a static condition influences rate of time, the size and weight of the bodies which are in the field its forces. All changes according to intensity of a gravitational field, curvature of space-time.
It means, it is quite possible to talk about any background time of our space, about galactic, solar, terrestrial, lunar time, and also about time of other cuts (measurements) of the multidimensional world. The cosmodromes placed on different planets, will function local time, to consider the local size and weight of transported cargoes!
Now we will consider particularly as time varies, the size and weight of bodies depending on curvature of space-time. The main idea of Einstein is a constancy of a velocity of light, its absolute invariancy in space of any curvature. It is his postulate! Time, s relativity is experimentally fixed. But, having admitted time relativity, we will be compelled to recognise and a relativity of the size for otherwise the velocity of light will be various in different areas of space. How then to judge distance to stars and galaxies in light years?! And here as to such physical parametres as density and acceleration for them invariancy in general in any way cannot remain, it is visible even from the dimension analysis. They are indicators of curvature of space-time. Gaus and Lobachevsky should use it for the proof of curvature of our space!
If we arrive on the Moon and make there the metre standard by the rules established for this purpose on the Earth it will appear in 6 times more shortly! (Length of a wave with which help it is made, shortened in 6 times as curvature of space on the Moon in 6 times is less.) It is impossible physically to prove, what exactly the metre was truncated, instead of we have increased in sizes,. An absolute relativity, so to say. Equlity of rights reference points! If to the Moon to deliver nuclear (or molecular) hours from the Earth they begin to «go» in 6 times faster, that is it is possible to think that second was compressed in 6 times. Disintegration of radioactive elements on the Moon will be accelerated in 6 times, in the size of atoms as much will increase. All is logical! The velocity of light measured on the Moon to these new «measures» (metre, second) will be equal to its value defined in the conditions of the Earth. Means, «lunar» metre and second are true! Though, using these hours, we will notice that terrestrial days and year became longer in 6 times.
Having agreed on a relativity of the size, we should recognise and a weight relativity. For differently we should agree that the bodies of certain weight which are on identical distance from each other in different areas of space, are drawn to each other with different force, after all the distance will be relative (miscellaneous). In other words, if we measure force of gravitational interaction of these bodies and we compare it to calculation, proceeding from the universal gravitation law we will find out that it in 36 times more settlement as if the weight of bodies on the Moon increases in 6 times, in comparison what it was on the Earth. GTR likes to explain drawing: a rubber surface, and on it a heavy sphere which bends this surface. Thus explain the phenomenon of gravitation-just a space curvature. In our case it is possible to tell that «the rubber surface» on the Moon is more or «rubber» is more thin!
For example, if researchers are on the Moon, the Earth and Jupiter and conduct calculation of a trajectory of the comet which are flying by through our Solar system, using thus «different» standards of kg, metre of second (but defined by a uniform principle), and come to the consent the relativity of kgs, metres and seconds is necessary also it does not break a world picture. In it an essence and greatness of a principle of the relativity, the fundamental law of the nature!
The statement that weight, bending space, defines movement of bodies surrounding it, it is absolutely alternative to that curvature of space forms weight. The relativity of the size, weights, time, action and counteraction (Newton's third law), and also equivalence of points of readout-all is the uniform law of the nature.
The relativity of the linear size in GTR involves also a relativity of the area of a surface, and also a volume relativity. For example, on island Barsakelmes in Aral sea where as speak, day is equal to year, the surface area too it is considerable (rather) more (somewhere in 100 thousand times)! Means, on its surface all population of the Earth basically can go in (rather having decreased in size). Probably that in the Universe there are areas in the size, say, about a tennis ball in which space the whole Universe, same big, as ours is located!
Relativity of weight, the size, time (the kg, metre, second) will cause also a relativity and all other physical parametres connected with them. For example, the density of ordinary water on the Moon will be in 36 times less, than its value on the Earth. Whether will be there it in the conditions of the Moon still a liquid?! On the moon the amplitude of fluctuations of particles of a matter, length of waves, for example, visible range will be shorter. Means, the lantern of red colour (brought from the Earth) will shine green, and can be even violet colour! In other words, if we burn sodium in a candle flame it will paint a flame not in yellow colour, as on the Earth, and in the violet!!!
To recognise a relativity of kg, metre, second it is much more reasonable, than a relativity (dependence on curvature of space) forces, speeds, a gravitational constant in the universal gravitation law! Other alternative is not present!!! Therefore on the moon from any point of view we will be easier in 6 times. Because weight is force. But any «huge» jumps about which so fantasts like to write, will not be observed on the Moon. The cosmonaut having made a start on the Moon, , by itself, will jump further, but it to Moon «measures». Visually he will not notice it, as itself (rather) will increase in sizes. Why are jumps at the same, how on the Earth if its weight became in 6 times less? The Americans flying on the Moon, should ask themselves this question. If have not set, means, did not fly!
If on the Moon to throw bodies, say, from height 180metrov-they will reach surfaces for 36 seconds that corresponds to acceleration of free falling in 6 times smaller, than we expected. Though the observer behind this experiment on the Earth, will assert that we threw bodies from height 30метров and they reached Moon surfaces for 6 seconds. Who is right? Both observers are right! In a disagreement the curvature of space-time different for the Earth and the Moon is guilty.
We take two identical rockets made on the Earth, with standard (identical) draught of engines. One we will start on the Earth, and another in the same conditions on the Moon. Having measured, acceleration with which the rocket on the Moon (using local metre and second) moves, we will find out that it in 6 times is less, than for a rocket started on the Earth as if the weight of a rocket has increased in 6 times!
Why would be desirable to result and result such mental experiments? To convince the reader that very much it will be not simple to find out change of curvature of space. Island Barsakelmes is the area of the big curvature of space-time. Outside the island is small, but should be great inside. On this island, of course, we will not build the cosmodrome, but to construct sanatorium for incurably sick and aged there is a sense. It better than to freeze them till the best times. The Barsakelmes is the country of «Liliputians», and here on equator it would be possible to look for island and the country of «giants» where people grow old faster. An error of J. Swift that Gulliver, having got to the country of Liliputians, itself did not become the Liliputian, and in the country of giants-giants. He should not notice change of the sizes, as curvature influence globally. But then also his book would not be such interesting.
The space is bent and in STR at movement with the speed close to a velocity of light. The area which has arisen thus of the raised curvature («density») of structure of space ahead of moving bodies with such huge speed can quite show resistance to their movement. What does increas, directing in infinity, at movement with the speed close to a velocity of light: weight of a body or force of resistance of emptiness?! What is more logical?! After all absurdly to consider that the gravitational weight of a body can increase indefinitely. Inert weight, it where did not go yet, but in any way the gravitational! Then after all and force of its gravitational interaction with other bodies too will be infinitely big! At the speeds close to a velocity of light, the longitudinal size degenerates (лоренцово reduction), a body becomes flat. How can its weight become infinitely big?! Much easier, proceeding from Newton's second law to draw other conclusion: The weight of a moving body, and brake influence of force of resistance of the environment of the space increases not. If the space is capable to show resistance to movement at the big speeds, means, the part of energy which we spend, will go on overcoming of this resistance. But in any way on «magic» increase in weight as it Einstein in the confirmed STR! Errors should be corrected, even if they-belong to Einstein!!! Moreover, according to GTR, in this case at the expense of a curvature of space the weight of a body will decrease (rather), instead of to increase. And at achievement of a velocity of light will disappear absolutely, the body will leave our spatially - time cut. A relativity in STR same, as well as in GTR!!! All is according to intensity of a gravitational field (curvature of prstranstva-time). Curvature influence in GTR and in STR is unequivocal!!! That is under extreme conditions: The zone of Shvartsshilda at a black hole (GTR) and the speeds equal to a velocity of light (STR) curvature of space reaches the maximum value. Thus: time stops (an instant turns to eternity), the size degenerates, and the weight becomes imaginary.
Time, the size and weight of bodies inversely proportional intensity of a gravitational field. They change depending on an arrangement in space, to tell more truly, depending on its curvature.
Without any doubt the person will grow old on the Moon much faster, than on the Earth. And here is how about made affairs? Whether will he faster think? Whether will its heart fight more often? After all the size of speed as we have noted earlier, remains invariant. The Relativity is the greatest the nature law, magnificent on the beauty!
The four-dimensional Universe is possible to present in the form of infinity of the three-dimensional spaces located in a direction inside (outside) — from space. Till now we considered that such direction does not exist, as all space-it is our space and it is already occupied by subjects of our world. We basically cannot have a concept about this direction the same as and the direction from a plane for two-dimensional beings is not known.
We do not imagine, as it is possible to glance in the safe and to take something from it, without opening a door. For four-dimensional carriers of reason our safe is opened in a direction of the fourth measurement the same as and for us the hypothetical two-dimensional world in a direction of the third measurement is opened. Philippine, s jperations without a knife become clear if to assume that «doctor» has continuation of hands and the fourth measurement and four-dimensional sight. The person having a part of an eye in the fourth measurement, is capable to see even through a wall!
If to take a cube and to compress it along one of its parties, say, mentally moving it with a velocity of light, we will receive a square. In the same way a square is possible to transform into a piece, a piece-in a point (zero-space). Means, compression conducts to reduction of number of measurements. Process, return to compression (expansion) it seems will lead to increase in number of measurements of space. But expansion should be conducted out of our space-in a direction of the fourth geometrical measurement!
The experiment, allowing to prove presence at space of difficult structure is necessary. We will construct a strong spherical cover of heavy metal or an alloy. Inside we will create deep physical vacuum, outside of-layer powerful explosive and the initiator (rattling mercury). We will carry out superficial initiation (fast heating of a grid-spiral), interspersed in an external layer of the substance, symmetric blasting. The heavy cover of the device under the influence of explosion products will receive sharp acceleration inside, then almost instant stop of weight! We have simulated a star collapse, have made original explosion on the contrary. It is a unique way of theoretically boundless concentration of energy in space-time unit! The blasting spent colorimetricly should reveal infringement of the law of preservation of weight-energy as partial carrying over of a matter in adjacent подпространсво is expected. The main thing is enough big size of the device and necessary capacity of explosive. Thus, we will prove that our space not the only thing in the nature. Such cover can be made of metal uranium then we will have a possibility to spend blasting of weight of a charge much less critical (a nuclear bomb in size with a tennis ball)!!! This device can be used and for other purposes: reception of diamonds (compression of a graphite cover), nuclear synthesis (transformation of one metals into others) and so on. The cover made of an alloy of copper, tin, lead will turn at the compression to gold, platinum, uranium!!! The century dream of alchemists will come true. So it is possible to buy up corresponding actions, for the purpose of enrichment in the future.
There is a mathematical description of figures of n-dimensional space, but physics, as a rule, in the world hidden are not interested, though talk about «the latent» weight of substance in the Universe, negative energy and huge density of physical vacuum. Curvature of our space in area of the Universe accessible to us is considered not fixed (do not know how to fix). There is no curvature-is not present and a direction in which it is possible to bend volume.
Expansion of a spherical surface can be considered, how movement within this surface and simultaneously as movement in a direction of the third measurement, that is perpendicularly given surface, in a radial direction. Universe expansion (reduction of its curvature) is possible to consider and as movement in volume of our space, and as movement of the space with all its contained in a direction of unknown fourth geometrical measurement. This movement in anywhere also is required. Means, the fourth geometrical measurement exists!!! This direction is from of our space. The plane divides three-dimensional space into two half. The three-dimensional volume can similarly divide four-dimensional space too on two parts. Therefore, it is possible to assert that near to our space there are, at least, two next spaces, adjacent to ours, and set of the subspaces parallel to it, on its both «parties». We should find conditions at which they to us become accessible and clear. Install is infinite set of the worlds and spaces. The main reason of any phenomenon remains for ever hidden from us. The most important laws of a universe are unknown to us. There is a hidden part of the world in which all has continuation.
Concept «measurement» often apply to each latent three-dimensional space, but it is more correct under measurement it is necessary to understand an additional direction along which the infinite quantity of these spaces is placed. To construct the five-measured Universe, it is necessary to specify a direction of the fifth geometrical measurement that, apparently, not under force even to inhabitants of four-dimensional space, and the more so to us. If such direction exists, it is one more infinity, but already four-dimensional spaces, each of which in turn is infinity of the spaces similar to our space. Similarly six-measured space comprises set five-measured and so on.
Such structure of space allows to remove paradox of an optimality of living conditions of our Universe and its contents from the agenda. The method of blind tests and errors, eventually, has given the present variant of a reality, and it yet a limit. Probably, development goes now under the control evolutionly arisen, torsion fields of consciousness (God). And always it is enough scene for life theatre.
Someone from scientists, in my opinion, Dirak, asserted that the particle and an antiparticle, are various quantum conditions of the same structure. And can be, actually even more abruptly: what we name, say,electron, is only a part whole, section this whole our space?! In section the positron will be an adjacent subspace! The particle is uniform with the antiparticle, but there is the border of the worlds!!! Symmetry is the global attribute of a universe. Any body of space is interspersed by the part in our world, and a part-in an antiworld. The particle, a planet, a star, Installed is bent and closed, that is they have in an adjacent subspace of the mirror double. An adjacent subspace-is the world of antiparticles, antibodies, antisubstances, antitime. Antiinstalled-it is not the new unknown world, and only symmetric display of our world, a sight at it from «other party». To aspire to us in an antiworld there is no sense, we and so already in it the part. Matter and antimatter-are two equivalent half of hyperspace of the Universe.
It is enough to turn Flat figure to receive its mirror display (antifigure) , using the third measurement. The body is necessary for displaying through the centre, that is to turn inside out. Similarly without the fourth measurement of it not to make. The antimatter is «in» a matter, «nearby». The world and an antiworld are structurally separated. It is different sides of the same coin. It is obverse and the wrong side volume of a single whole of superspace which in turn is the elementary making even more difficult geometrical structure. Hyperspace consists of such «sheets» (world-antiworld). They are bent, braided, closed and moved. One part of the multidimensional world constantly reduces the curvature, and another (adjacent) — increases it. In general «volume» of hyperspace the Universe remains invariable, all in it simply moves.«Flat» the model of this movement looks as movement on a spiral which becomes isolated in a huge existential ring (the tape of a streamer consisting of rings of Moebius, combined in one big closed ring). Each small ring symbolises our three-dimensional world which is in a certain multidimensional continuum, serial reduction and increase in its curvature, and, in general, there is a movement by inertia, on a spiral of the big circle. At curvature reduction our world as though «from above», an antiworld -«from below» (obverse and the wrong side of the surface of a tape of Moebius), at curvature increase – on the contrary (the next ring). The world is periodically transformed to an antiworld,«turns over»(is turned inside out). The Universe is homogeneous in big «volume», does not extend and is not compressed from the four-dimensional point of view.
There is no necessity for the theory of a Big Bang and there is no sense to wait in the future of the Big collapse (singularity). The matter moves on closed (n-1) a measured trajectory in n-dimensional space. It is the special «volume» form of movement. In the Universe constantly there is matter «overflowing» between the adjacent worlds. Through system of black both white holes and «horizon» of the Universe the worlds «enclosed» each other, become isolated on themselves, forming a difficult multidimensional geometrical design. The white hole in our space corresponds to a black hole in an adjacent subspace and on the contrary. Four-dimensional (two-layer) spaces infinite set and a matter each time gets to other existential cut, but, eventually, having made the huge closed motion cycle, will return to an initial cut if it exists by then.
Any forces of the nature focus our consciousness in certain three-dimensional space which continuously changes the contents, making impression of constant movement of one condition to another. This movement is an essence of a time stream. Undoubtedly, the person, as well as all bodies of the Universe, many-sided, that is the part is simultaneously in different cuts of space. The death of the person in one space is a dying only its one part, instead of destruction whole. Dying off of its one section is equivalent to destruction of one cage that at all does not mean the termination of functioning of all organism. New existential skeletons constantly arise in the Universe and old cuts of space-time perish. In infinity the future adjoins to the past. Birth of the world and its destruction – uniform process of transition of one existential condition in another. We are eternal wanderers on space-time ring.
If the Sun goes out or will blows up, it also will not mean that it was lost entirely. Only one part located in our space will cease to function. And electromagnetic radiation of our space is the component of hyperradiation of the multidimensional Universe into which the gravitational longitudinal component hidden from us, belonging to an adjacent subspace enters. Extending on border of the separated worlds, it also gets the unique properties, in particular constant speed limit. If it belonged to any one space its speed would be more or less than this size.
The antiworld, to adjacent our world, separates us from the parallel world similar to ours. The parallel worlds have different existential scales. They are carried in time. Time divides and connects them. At annihilation in our space occurs annihilation and in an antiworld. On each quantum of energy of space it is necessary subspace antiquantum. There is an energy and weight redistribution between the worlds, instead of magic transformation of weight into energy. In general, on space as a whole the law of preservation of weight-energy, certainly, is observed, but in one cut of space it quite can and be broken. Have in vain ceased to accept demands for perpetuum mobile inventions.
Three-dimensional vision of the n-dimensional world is inadmissible. Incompleteness of knowledge involves incompleteness of understanding that, certainly, slows down rate of development. Operated nuclear synthesis is not carried out, tokamak properly does not function. Whether but only for plasma deduction it is possible to use this toroidal coil with a magnetic field?! Capacity selection is complicated –it is an expensive toy if not to think four-dimensionaly. After all at a twisting of huge weight-energy it is possible to simulate an existential funnel, a corridor-umbilical cord (wormhole) in an adjacent subspace, to overcome power dissociation of the worlds. Whether did we investigat a space condition in the centre working tokamak? No! We at all have not left structurally a place for this purpose.
Having opened road to an antiworld, we, on the one hand, will provide to ourselves a bottomless energy source (an antimatter in unlimited quantity), and on the other hand, we will create the unique utilizator of waste that also is rather actual presently. And in general, whether are stars apertures in an antiworld, and the nature of their luminescence – annihilation a matter coming from an adjacent subspace? Black holes quite could be a light source in the adjacent Universe.
Certainly all it is only the projection of true to our space. The person never will apprehend all complexity of the world and the more so will not comprehend. Only separate guesses about a structure of some sections of this multidimensional whole are possible. It is time to postulate presence of a subspace and not to allocate with material properties physical vacuum. Too much we have simple questions on which there are no answers! The first reason: we do not know all about the world surrounding us, from us its true device is hidden. It is necessary to connect everything, together: the past and future, big and small, far and close, an instant and eternity!
Thanks to curvature of the Universe in great volume and to presence of spatially - time fluctuations of type the black hole infinitely big becomes isolated on infinitly small. The star involved in such gravitational funnel in the centre of a galaxy, probably, will turn to an elementary particle, having got to a corresponding existential cut. All future development of a science and mankind is connected with a subspace, with the world hidden, but to a recognition of its presence is still far. As a rule scientists are not engaged in it and only fans try to put mental experiments.
Kostenkov Vyacheslav Viktorovich.
Address: Russia. Dzerzhinsk, the Nizhniy Novgorod region, Russian Federation.
e-Mail: vykostenkov@yandex.ru
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